Ardman studio the folks behind Walace & Gromit, Creature Comforts, and Chicken Run brings us their new film about a rag tag team of not so bright pirates. I’ve been a fan of Ardman animation for a while and it’s always good to see stop motion films still getting in the theaters. The trailer has a few funny moments and while I’m not sure how keen I am on the idea as a whole it could shape up to be a pretty funny movie. Also why the hell hasn’t there been a pirate comedy recently? With the uber success of those damn pirates flicks you’d think we’d have been flooded with lame spoofs and such by now.

A synopsis care of IMDB:

‘Pirate Captain (Grant) sets out on a mission to defeat his rivals, Black Bellamy (Piven) and Cutlass Liz (Hayek),for the Pirate of the year Award. The quest takes the Captain and his crew from the shores of exotic Blood Island to the foggy streets of Victorian London.’

Released date: 3/30/11

Directed by: Peter Lord, Jeff Newitt

Starring: Martin Freeman, David Tennant, Salma Hayek, Hugh Grant, Jeremy Piven, Brendan Gleeson

CP Lorusso is TV / Film / Web writer and editor working in Los Angeles. He can be reached at CPL[ a t ] or on Twitter @CPLorusso.