We got an interesting new image today from the set of X-Men Days of Future Past care of Bryan Singer’s Twitter. I’m not sure what role this image will play in the film. It appears to be some sort of museum of mutants. We don’t know if it is something that Magneto, Professor X, or even Trask has put together. All we do know is that is is very cool.

It almost reminds me of the Brundle museum of Natural History from The Fly… but not in some creepy monster’s medicine cabinet.

X-Men: Days of Future Past opens May 23, 2014 and stars James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Hugh Jackman, Nicholas Hoult, Jennifer Lawrence, Ian McKellan, Patrick Stewart, Peter Dinklage, Shawn Ashmore, Anna Paquin, Ellen Page, Omar Sy, and Halle Berry.