Film School rejects has broken the story that will leave Heavy Metal fans in a puddle of anticipatory glee. A new Heavy Metal is on the way… no I’m not talking about that Fakk stuff that came out a couple years ago. I’m talking about amazing directors doing edgy mature animation that will rot your brain and make you think you just smoked something funny. I’m talking about awesomeness.

Here’s what Kevin Eastman, co-creator of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Heavy Metal had to say to Film School Rejects.

Later today you’ll have the chance to read our full interview with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles co-creator Kevin Eastman, but I figured I’d whet your appetite by sharing the news that not only is the project on track with David Fincher
behind the wheel, but that James Cameron, Zack Snyder and Gore Verbinski
have all signed on to direct segments of Heavy Metal.

I’ve got breaking news that Fincher and James Cameron are going to be Co-Executive Producers on the film. Fincher will direct one. Cameron will direct one. Zack Snyder is going to direct one and Gore Verbinski is going to. Mark Osborne and Jack Black from Tenacious D are going to do a comedy segment for the film. Three other directors have agreed but we haven’t signed them, but they’re equally as jaw-dropping. So we’re on cloud nine to be working with such an amazing amount of talent.”