Deadline is reporting that Wonder Woman Co-writer Jason Fuchs has signed on to write the script for the upcoming live action reboot of Robotech. Anything about the Robotech film is going to be hot news for a while as Andrés Muschietti, who just pulled off a major hit with his direction on the ‘It’ reboot is attached to direct the anime adaptation.

While fans have been wanting a Robotech/ Macross movie for a long time, I’m a little worried about it based on what is going on in movies right now. Not only do the casual mech fans already have a franchise in the Pacific Rim movies, but casting for Asian-based properties in Hollywood has become a powder keg in recent years. Casting agents almost need to come with a combination of racial sensitivity training and a bullet proof vest nowadays.

Either way, it’s going to be a while before this project comes to fruition. Muschietti is both the literal and figurative ‘It’ guy in Hollywood right now. Before he tackles Robotech, he’s got to make the second ‘It’ movie, the Sony film adaptation of the video game Shadow of The Colossus, and helm the TV adaptation for Locke & Key.
