• Publisher: Think Geek
  • MSRP: $29.99~

Bucky Balls

Bucky Balls are like Monkey balls times infinity. If you like playing with shapes, magnets or just fun little balls that stick together, you cannot beat these. They are probably the most amazing magnets in the world (a complete understatement). Many hours of productivity have been lost to them here in the office. You just cannot put them down. Seriously, these are way more fun than the crappy static images representing them below. They do them absolutely zero justice.

Get yours today at Thinkgeek.com

  • Publisher: Think Geek
  • MSRP: $6.99~

Combi Training Chopsticks

Don’t you hate it when your stupid little brother shows you up at the sushi bar because they can handle their chopsticks better than you? Well, never fear, these are just what the doctors ordered. These chopsticks are great for anyone from three years of age to beyond hopeless. They are like training wheels for chop sticks with three levels of assistance. Before you know it, you’ll be jamming all manners of delicious sea creatures and edibles inside your mouth with two sticks!

Get yours today at Thinkgeek.com