Ok, let’s be honest, this actually our 1,020the post. It would have been our 1,000th, but I forgot to hit publish on Sunday night.

We launched YouBentMyWookie officially on October 14th, my sister’s birthday… it was a coincidence. With a tight crew of Wookies (and a batch of WebMonkeys) we burned the midnight oil looking for interesting news and sought out unique people to interview.

We’ve learned some interesting lessons like that when in doubt, there’s always an interesting story to post about Katy Perry and that people will never get tired of posts about carved or sculpted food.

One thing is for sure, this is just the beginning of YouBentMyWookie.com. In coming days, weeks and months, get ready for more of the great news that you are used to plus a lot more reviews, contests interviews and original feature stories.

Thanks to all the members (comment, don’t be shy!) and if you haven’t already, don’t forget to sign up for our Twitter Feed!