We try hard not to post things that are at all political, but the fact that this guy (who we post videos from frequently) has been banned from the US is beyond ridiculous.

We’ve been supporters of POGO for years now. His Cinderella video was one of the first posts we ever had on the site. Pogo has turned his youtubing into a career and he now actually works with companies like Disney to make official videos for them. Now, all of that is in jeopardy because of what appears to be nothing more than a paperwork issue.

Hell, the put the guy in jail for three weeks. You can’t look at this story and not sat WTF!

Here’s his official video description:
The Department Of Homeland Security has banned me from entering the USA for a period of 10 years. I was on my second tour playing live across North America, and as the agency managing my tour never even mentioned visas, I proceeded with the same Visa Waiver I had used for previous trips to the USA. The moment they heard of my arrest, the agency removed me from their client list and refused to communicate. I’ve made this video to give everyone the full story. If you have any advice or know someone who could help me out of this situation, please get in touch:

On the off chance that you aren’t familiar with his work, here are some of his most famous videos: