What you are about to see is a video created by a European commission that is designed to get women more involved in learning science. What it actually seems to do is show that whoever made the video is a complete and utter idiot.

This video is so dismissive of where women can go in science that is appalling. Essentially, science for women is all about looking sassy and making new types of Make-Up.

On the upside, if this is how they are pushing science education in Europe, America has a shot of rising in the standings as far as our own lack of science education is concerned.

Here’s the official video description:
This video was published by the European Commission for a campaign designed to attract more women to a career in science. The commission said that the video had to “speak their language to get their attention” and that it was intended to be “fun, catchy” and strike a chord with young people. “I would encourage everyone to have a look at the wider campaign and the many videos already online of female researchers talking about their jobs and lives,”
The original video was taken down after it received so many negative comments.

Source: Geeksaresexy