It’s been 22 years since Buffy Summers sealed the Hellmouth that plagued Sunnydale. Now, Sarah Michelle Gellar is officially coming back to guide a new Slayer in the officially announced reboot series from Eternals director, Chloe Zhao and Dolly Parton. If Dolly’s participation sounds a bit weird to you, don’t worry. She was actually a very active producer on the original series. One name you won’t find anywhere near the series is its original creator, Joss Whedon.
Variety is reporting that the sequel series is currently being set up at Hulu, and Sarah Michelle Gellar is slated to return. However, it will be more of a recurring role with her lending guidance to the newest Slayer.
There is currently no word on whether Nicholas Brendon, Alyson Hannigan, Carpenter, Anthony Stewart Head, David Boreanaz, Seth Green, James Marsters or David Boreanaz. It is also not known if the ending of Angel, which saw David Boeanaz’s titular character battling the forces of hell in Los Angeles, or the several years of canonical comic book sequels will be taken into consideration for the new show.
The show is currently said to be in final talks, but it makes sense for it to find a home at Hulu. They’ve had a lot of success with their Futurama revival, and they are currently working on a King of the Hill revival and a Prison Break Reboot.