Marvel’s next Thor film, Thor: Ragnarok, has been billed as a road movie between Thor and The Hulk. After Today’s news some fans are wondering just how much Hulk They’ll actually be getting. This is actually a surprising development, given that just last week fans were treated to what looks like Planet Hulk style weapons in the Marvel booth at Comic Con.
After just about a month of filming, it was announced that Mark Ruffalo has wrapped his part of the movie. What does this mean for the character? We know that Ruffalo has prided himself on doing mocap work for The Hulk, but this could just mean that he’ll be passing it off to other actors who can handle the more gladiatorial stunts. It does probably mean that we will see a lot less of Puny Banner in this movie and a lot more of his big green alter ego. I suppose that makes sense. Where they are going, Banner’s body isn’t really equipped to handle the dangers.
Along with Mark Ruffalo and Chris Hemsworth, Thor Ragnarok stars: Tom Hiddleston, Cate Blanchett, Jeff Goldblum, Tessa Thompson, Karl Urban, Idris Elba, and Anthony Hopkins.
He can't fully replace Stevenson, but let's hope he brings something great to the role.
Who's face is that?
Pre-Orders open on January 9th.
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