This is just a quick post about something good. It’s so nice to hear a story about someone you like with COVID in the headline that isn’t about them being ill or dying. Also, we haven’t had a lot of celebrities pop up yet who have received the new vaccine for the virus. As shots started rolling out in the UK first, it makes sense that the first celebrity to step up was a Brit. And who better than Sir Ian McKellen, the man who brought both Gandalf and Magneto to the big screen.

This might not seem like much of a news story, but in the coming months, you are going to hear a lot of news about people not trusting the vaccine as well as some media outlets taking every chance they can to scare up clicks with news of isolated side effects. When respected people step up, it helps everyone with their confidence about something new. On the US Side, Vice President Pence and his wife are slated to take the vaccine this weekend and President elect Joe Biden is set to take it some time next week.