The story line centers on a ghost who is bad at his job and must return to ghost school.
Funny People’s Funny Viral Campaign
The new Judd Apatow movie, Funny People, starring Adam Sandler and Seth Rogen, is getting a lot of buzz. Most of that is due to the effort that Apatow is putting into creating a real back story for Sandler’s character, George Simmons
There’s Still Hope For Unbreakable 2: Bruce Willis Boogaloo
Don’t expect anything too soon though because MTV also announced that M. Night is set to direct all three Airbender movies. Let’s hope he doesn’t ruin them.
Mission Impossible IV – They’ve Chosen To Accept It
Now, just because they are planning to make it happen doesn’t make it so. They both have very full plates right now, so no one is really just just when they’ll have time to make the movie.
McCartney Does First Animated Movie Since Yellow Submarine
He’s working on his first animated movie for kids. Its not his first animated movie, that was Yellow Submarine, a movie guaranteed to make you think that someone spiked your drink.
Joe Quesada Drops Some Thor and Iron Man 2 Tid Bits
Here’s what Joe had to say about the pitch meetings he had with Kenneth Branagh and John Favreau.
Sean Penn Bails On Three Stooges
This might have been the best thing he could have done for the film.
Portman Signs On For Swan
If this moves quickly, who knows when we’ll see Aronofsky’s interpretation of Robocop. Either Way, I’d still buy that for a dollar.