The 15-year old is quickly becoming an international star after her rendition of Adele’s popular song went viral over the weekend.
Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt To Sing ‘What Are You Doing New Years Eve?’
‘New Girl’s ‘Zooey Deschanel and ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ Joseph Gordon-Levitt had a little ‘500 Days Of Summer’ reunion on Youtube!
The True History Of Modern Day Santa Claus And How He Came To Be
Santa Claus may be synonymous with Christmas, but how did the folklore come to be?
Rani Naamani’s Fantastic Short Zombie Film: ‘Too Late’
Here’s Rani Naamani’s fantastic zombie short entitled, “Too Late.” Watch as one man gets some bad news, the kind you’d never want to get.
Must Watch: Hilarious Fog And Smog’s ‘Yoga Girl’ Music Video
From ‘Whole Foods Parking Lot’ Fog And Smog is back with another brilliant music video and the very original track “Yoga Girl.”
Tom Haugomat & Bruno Mangyoku’s Amazing Tribute To Ryan Gossling’s ‘Drive’
I’m not sure why they even called that movie ‘Drive’. It should just have been called “Ryan Gossling does stuff while looking cool.”
Fan-Made ‘Bioshock’ Teaser Trailer: 48 Seconds Have Never Been This Epic
Sure this fan-made “Bioshock” teaser trailer may only be 48 seconds long, but it’s 48 seconds teaser of awesome.
Awesome G.I. Joe Fan Film – ‘Operation: Red Retrieval’
The 20-minute short was filmed over a period of 18 months wit ha Canon 7D and produced for a mere $2,500.