Kotobukiya is back again this year with great new product for Star Wars, Marvel, DC and their amazing bushijo line.
SDCC 2012: Darkhorse Booth Images – Game Of Thrones
Here are some images of what Darkhorse had out on display at Comic-Con in San Diego. The high lite of course, being their upcoming Game of Thrones status and busts.
SDCC 2012: Sideshow Assorted Booth Images
Courtesy of Figures, here are some assorted images of what Sideshow had out on display at their booth on day one of Comic-Con in San Diego. Source: Figures
SDCC 2012: Sideshow Star Wars Collection
Here are some images of what Sideshow had out on display in their Star Wars section on day one of Comic-Con in San Diego.
SDCC 2012: Sideshow DC Comics Collection
Here are some images of what Sideshow had out on display in their DC Comics section on day one of Comic-Con in San Diego.
SDCC 2012: Sideshow Lord of the Rings Collection
Here are some images of what Sideshow had out on display in their Lord of the Rings section on day one of Comic-Con in San Diego.
SDCC 2012: Sideshow Marvel Collection
Here are some images of what Sideshow had out on display in their Marvel section on day one of Comic-Con in San Diego. I am absolutely loving the X-Men line up.
SDCC 2012: QMX Booth Image – Star Trek, Doctor Who, Firefly, Warehouse 13 and Battlestar Galactica
Some of the highlights of QMX’s booth are the Serenity replica that opens up to give you a view of the quarters and cockpit and their new, 1/6th scale Tardis!