The Pokemon movie, Detective Pikachu might still be cleaning up at the box office thanks to great CGI and the voice talents of Ryan Reynolds, but fans of the film might have a hard time getting behind the grittier universe of The End of Pokemon, the new bootleg universe trailer from Adi Shankar and directed by Luis Pelayo Junquera and Enol Junquera.

In the new animated video, we pick up the story with an older Ash Ketchum, now mourning the death of his best friend, Pikachu. Something has changed in Ash and he has now decided that all of the catching and all the fighting needs to stop. Much like all of the alternate takes presented by Adi Shankar (including the amazing Castlevania anime series on Netflix), the story presented here is not just a fanvid, but something that I’d be interested in seeing more of. I can’t imagine a world where Nintendo would ever allow a story like this to be explored, but it sure would make for an awesome animated series or graphic novel.

An exclusive Pokemon anime parody presented by Adi Shankar (Netflix’s Castlevania, Dredd). The death of Ash Ketchum’s longtime companion, Pikachu, sparks a revolution that could be the end of Pokemon training and fighting as we know it.