Cartoon Network has released a new promo trailer for “Green Lantern: The Animated Series,” reminding fans that the intergalactic series is set to return next Saturday, March 3rd, 2012. The show will pick up with episode three, with the previous two episodes having aired as a two-hour special last year.
While I wasn’t completely sold on a new CG Green Lantern show when it was first announced, I am now a believer. The CGI was fantastic, and I am currently loving where the creative team is taking the series.
As Earth’s Green Lantern, Hal Jordan is used to being in dangerous situations—but he’s never faced anything like this! Set at the farthest reaches of deep space, Hal must face down an invasion from the Red Lantern Corps. Hal is soon joined by an all-new group of heroes on a mission to protect Guardian Space —and the Green Lantern Corps itself!