The first official image of Kate Beckinsale from the fourth installment of the Underworld franchise, “Underworld Awakening” has been released. Previously titled “Underworld: New Dawn,” awakening sees the return of Selene, who awakens after being in a 15 year coma and discovers that she has a fourteen-year-old vampire/Lycan daughter, Nissa.
It’s not the most exciting picture or nothing we’ve never seen before from the previous films, but it does give us a look of the ageless Selene being badass.
Directed by Mans Marlind and Bjorn Stein, “Underworld Awakening” also stars India Eisley and Michael Ealy. The film is set to be released on January 20th, 2012.
Skeleton Crew Never Say Die!
Now give us a good Golobulus!
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