NBC has released a 30-second commercial promo for its new superhero series, “The Cape.” Created by Thomas Wheeler (Empire) and Executive Produced by Con Air visionary Simon West, the series debuts as a special two-hour pilot in January 2011. The show stars David Lyons as an good cop working in a corrupt system and becomes framed for a series of murder. He’s forced into hiding, but decides to become “The Cape” his son’s favorite comic book superheroes in order to reclaim justice and to “clean up” the street as they say. is it me or does The Cape look like a poor man Dr. Doom without all the metal and speaking in third person?
Oh, and the show will star Summer Glau. I guess that’s all anyone really needs to know.
Here’s the official synopsis:
“The Cape” is a one-hour drama series starring David Lyons (“ER”) as Vince Faraday, an honest cop on a corrupt police force, who finds himself framed for a series of murders and presumed dead. He is forced into hiding, leaving behind his wife, Dana (Jennifer Ferrin, “Life on Mars”) and son, Trip (Ryan Wynott, “Flash Forward”). Fueled by a desire to reunite with his family and to battle the criminal forces that have overtaken Palm City, Faraday becomes “The Cape” his son’s favorite comic book superhero — and takes the law into his own hands. Rounding out the cast are James Frain (“The Tudors”) as billionaire Peter Fleming — The Cape’s nemesis — who moonlights as the twisted killer: Chess; Keith David (“Death at a Funeral”) as Max Malini, the ringleader of a circus gang of bank robbers who mentors Vince Faraday and trains him to be The Cape, Summer Glau (“Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles”) as Orwell, an investigative blogger who wages war on crime and corruption in Palm City; and Dorian Missick (“Six Degrees”) as Marty Voyt, a former police detective and friend to Faraday. “The Cape” is a Universal Media Studios and BermanBraun production from executive producer/creator Thomas Wheeler (“Empire”), executive producer/director Simon West (“Con Air”), the executive producing team of Gail Berman and Lloyd Braun (NBC’s “Mercy), and executive producer Gene Stein (“Accidentally on Purpose”).
He can't fully replace Stevenson, but let's hope he brings something great to the role.
Who's face is that?
Pre-Orders open on January 9th.
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