Today, Universal announced the title and release date for the seventh film in the Transformers Franchise. The new film is titled Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, but don’t take that to mean that we are looking at a straight-up adaptation of the classic Beast Wars show. In an event today, the films director, Steven Caple Jr. gave a bunch of details about the new film. Here are the bullet points:
- Maximals, Predacons, and Terrorcons are finally coming to the big screeen.
- The movie is set in 1994, Brooklyn New York, but will also partially take place at Machu Piccchu in Peru.
- Optimus Prime will sport his classic G1 design and Peter Cullen will be back to voice him.
- This movie does NOT overlap the other six films.
- It is being called an origin story for Optimus’ first true earth adventure and will show audiences his path to becoming the leader he is today.
- Bumblebee will be an off-road Camaro
- The movie will serve as a soft sequel to the Bumblebee solo-movie
- Other Good Guys set to be featured in the fil include Mirage (Porsche 911), Arcee (Ducati 916), The Terrorcon Nightbird (Black and purple Nissan GTR).
- Scourge is the film’s main antagonist. He fuses symbols of his victims onto his body as trophies.
- The Maximals set to appear include Airazor (falcon), Rhinox (rhinoceros), and Optimus Primal (gorilla)
- Maximals will play a major part in the film.
- The Human actors in the film are Anthony Ramos and Dominique Fishback Ramos is a former soldier named Noah who is always hustling and is a bit of a tech wiz. Fishback is a museum researcher named Elena.
- Transformers: Rise of the Beasts is set to open in theaters on June 24, 2022.