Categories: Holiday Guide

YBMW’s Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide – Geekasm

  • Publisher: Think Geek
  • MSRP: $34.99~

Beating Heart Stress Release Pillow

Beating Heart Pillow? Sure, it sounds weird, but this thing has kept us from going completely nuts here around the office. It is a pillow, shaped like a heart (not the real kind, the candy kind) and when you squeeze it, it starts to beat. It’s not a recording, but you can feel it beating and amazingly enough, it will relax you. It does this by copying the heart beat of a deeply meditative state. It changes over time and is never the same twice! But from what we’ve seen, it’s a lot more relaxing than most other things we’re allowed to do in the office!

Get yours today at

  • Publisher: Think Geek
  • MSRP: $19.99~

Mini Hover Drone

First impression: this thing was awesome toy and it stood up to a lot of abuse. The Mini Hover Drone flies really well… as long as there’s no ceiling fan or breeze in the room. It takes a crash without blinking and is always ready for more abuse — in my case, it took about 25 very violent crashes. As far as one of those flying RC toys that comes out every year, this is by far one of my favorites. Like the Energizer bunny, it definitely lasts. Not to mention it charges pretty fast and flies better. Perfect for mini RC enthusiasts or those who dream about faking UFO photos.

Get yours today at

  • Publisher: Chinavasion
  • MSRP: $82.06~

Dingoo A320 Portable Video Game System

This might be one of the coolest things that we’ve ever seen here. It is the ultimate portable gaming device for old school gamers and gadget hounds. This portable media device has pretty much everything you could ever want. It plays mp3s, movies (AVI, MPEG, WMV just to name a few), it gets radio reception, it’s a voice recorder… and oh, by the way… it runs both classic arcade games (CPS1, CPS2) and is an NES, SNES, Gameboy, GBA, and NEO GEO emulator!!! There is a near limitless number of games you can play on this bad boy and they rock. To emulator console games however, you’ll have to install the games yourself via ROMs. But that doesn’t mean the Dingo A320 doesn’t come preloaded with gaming goodness. Included are some in-house games, most of which are rather generic (platforms, FPS, racers, puzzles) but still fun to play and many are in full 3D. Surprisingly the controls work really well on such a small device. They’re springy and easy to press with four face buttons and two triggers near the top. The processor doesn’t seem to lag, at least not on any games we played or the video clips we watched. On our first test, the battery lasted for a little over four hours which isn’t awesome, but still not to shabby. Don’t like the small screen? No problem, it also has a TV out port so you can hook it up to any size television. Not enough storage space for your games and media? No problem, it also comes with an SD expansion slot for upgrades. In fact, the only problem we have with the Dingoo A320 is that the volume control is kind of a pain in the butt, but you know what… who cares. This thing is the ultimate portable old school gaming machine as well as an all inclusive media device!

Get yours today at

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