If the last couple of years have taught us anything, it’s that companies can put on their own virtual conventions to bring the news to their fans without having to shell out tens of thousands of dollars to be part of something like Comic-Con. to that end, Hasbro has just announced their dates for this year’s Pulsecon on October 22nd and 23rd. Along with plenty of reveals for brands like StarWars, Marvel, Transformers, GI Joe, Power Rangers, Dungeons And Dragons, DnD, Magic The Gathering, MTG, Ghostbusters, NERF, and Fortnite, there will be plenty of show exclusives, including some that will be announced and dropped during the live streams on Hasbropulse.com

Hasbro Pulse Con is back and BIGGER THAN EVER! You’re invited to #HasbroPulseCon2021, streaming to a computer/phone/tablet screen – EVERYTHING – near you this October 22nd & 23rd! Buckle up for amazing reveals, exclusive product drops, behind-the-scenes content, and way, way more! You seriously don’t want to miss this. Mark your calendars, tell your smart devices to set a reminder; whatever you gotta do, and stay tuned via HasbroPulseCon.com for ALL the latest updates!