He’s the Godfather of Vinyl Toys and an amazing artist. Michael Lau pretty much started what has now become an international phenomenon that blends toys with high-end art. In just one decade it has grown from the kind of insider thing that only the hippest people knew about to being so popular that it is the basis for The Cartoon Network’s Mascot.
It is no wonder that as we reach Lau’s Tenth Anniversary of when he released his first Gardener figure that MINDstyle Toys would create such an amazing celebration for him. There’s probably more I could say, but The pictures are the only thing that does the show justice. Also, the show is running through Saturday night, so if you live in L.A. Get your butt over to:
De La Barracuda
7769 Melrose Avenue
Los Angeles, California
90046 USA
Telephone: (323) 852-7179
Will the film hit its modest box office estimate?
He can't fully replace Stevenson, but let's hope he brings something great to the role.
Who's face is that?
Pre-Orders open on January 9th.