Botzees Coding Robot for kids
$99.95 • Pai Technology • Get Yours Now
The secret to a good STEM toy for your kid is replayability. The problem with a lot of the robotics kits is that they are kind of one-trick ponies. That’s why we loved Botzees. For under $100, you get a kit that builds at least six different robots, ranging from a classic rover to critter robots like alligators and owls. That is just what they instruct you to do. From there, you can tinker around and create any kind of robot you can imagine… just try not to create Skynet! You can also learn basic coding with them through 30 different augmented reality games in the app. You don’t just get to drive your robots around with the app control, you can make them dance, make sounds, drum, and you can even make them draw. One of the things we loved about this is that if your kid has ever played with LEGOs, they can put together their first Botzee. It’s so easy that kids as young as 4-years-old can enjoy it.

Solar Stirling Engine (STEM)
$131.95 • Kontax • Get Yours Now
Stirling engines are just about one of the coolest things in the world. They are little engines that run off of heat and when you hold one, it feels like you can solve the world’s energy crisis all on your own. While we’re not smart enough to tell you why they haven’t been employed to help save the world, we’re happy to have had a chance to check out such a beautiful, solar-powered version of one. What makes this Stirling engine so great is that it can run from direct sunlight, or just off of the heat from holding it in your hand. It’s a beautiful executive desk toy, a thought-provoking bit of STEM hardware to show inquisitive minds, and just an inspiring piece of tech that makes us think of a better world. It sounds kind of hokey, but giving one of these to someone is kind of like giving them a little representation of hope for the future. Or, at the very least, just about the coolest gadget they’ll ever have sitting on their desk.

Recall of Cthulhu Memory Game
$19.99 • Toy Vault • Get Yours Now
Every kid loves playing memory, but how many times do you just want to match up numbers or pictures of cows? Why not make it something a little more interesting… like adorable versions of the monsters created by HP Lovecraft? There’s not really much more to say about something like this. It’s a fun game for kids, and parents are going to love the cute but twisted Lovecraftian creatures that your kids will be matching!

Tabletop Robot
$16.99 • 4M • Get Yours Now
If you’re looking for a good, entry-level robotics kit for a kid this holiday that can be used right out of the box without having to hook up an app, we suggest the Tabletop Robot kit from 4M. This is a fun robotics kit that we think any kid from the 9-16 year age range would enjoy. The kit teaches you how to build a small, battery-operated crab robot that can scuttle around on the table and is smart enough to get close enough to the edge without falling off. It’s a cool enough gift that it can stand alone, but it’s also affordable enough that it can make a great stocking stuffer.

4M Scientific Discovery DIY STEM Educational Lab
$49.99 • 4M • Get Yours Now
If you have a kid who is interested in STEM, we love the idea of giving them something that can really help them explore every angle and help them find the things they truly love, while also teaching them a ton of fun lessons along the way. That’s why we loved the 4M Scientific Discovery Educational Lab. This one box comes with over 40 different experiments for kids to try, that’s just over a dollar per experiment. They’ll build their own magnet racers and static tubes, make a tabletop volcano and a lemon-powered clock. There are even fun experiments for bubbles and making your own rock candy. If you have any kid on your list who loves science, this kit is a wonderland of fun and learning!

Smart EXKY Garden
$189.99 • Veritable • Get Yours Now
There are very few things in life that are more satisfying than growing your own food and technology is making it easier than ever to do it not just in the garden, but on your kitchen counter. We’ve got two great smart garden products to show you this year, starting with the Smart EXKY Garden. We loved the sleek, compact design and the fact that it was pretty much idiot-proof. Water, light, food, It’s called Smart for a reason and it is a great addition to any kitchen or any kid’s STEM education. There’s no better way to appreciate food than to grow it yourself and if you can do that in the middle of winter on your kitchen counter, you can capture someone’s attention for a lifetime.

$76 • Botanium • Get Yours Now
If you’re looking for an at-home garden solution, but can’t quite swing the price point of the Smark EXKY Garden, the absolute next best thing is Botanium. This hydroponic vase is the perfect way to grow a single plant at a time in your home without the need for sunlight or ever taking it outdoors. As a hydroponic system, it is a great opportunity to teach kids about the future of agriculture without having to deal with soil or any of the other messy parts or traditional gardening. Follow your herbs or peppers from seed to harvest right on your kitchen counter. It’s a great way to get kids involved from the beginning and a perfect springboard to get them excited about cooking when it comes time to pick the fruits of their labor.

20 Women of Art Memory Game
$18 • Today is art day • Get Yours Now
Some of the most amazing art in history is made by women, but the names that most people know are male artists. We love 20 Women of Art Memory because it’s a fun twist on a classic game that teaches kids about the amazing world of female artists like Frida Kahlo, Mary Cassatt, Artemisia Gentileschi, Berthe Morisot, Tamara de Lempicka, Judith Leyster, Elisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun and more! If you want a different take on the game of memory that opens a whole world of iconic female artists.