Lately, YouBentMyWookie has been experiencing technical difficulties due the recent surge of new users that we’ve been receiving during our recording breaking month of March.

Naturally, like how our waist size has outgrown out pants size, we’ve out grown our older hosting plan. But if you’re reading this now, it means we’ve successfully migrated all our crap and baggage to our new dedicated hosting!

Yes folks, that means there should be less downtime from here on out so you can rest assure that you’ll be able to get your daily fixin’ of awesome news, reviews, interviews, babes, contests and more.

Speaking of contests, did you know that we’re currently giving away a set of Dark Horse’s Vampire Hunter D PVC collection? You know you want it!

And as always thanks to all the members (comment, don’t be shy!) and if you haven’t already, don’t forget to sign up for our Twitter Feed!