Just because cats can land on their feet, doesn’t mean they know how to use them properly on a treadmill.
Read Time : 1 Minutes
One Cat’s Creepy Love Affair With A Vacuum
This is one of the weirdest cat videos that we’ve ever seen.
Read Time : 1 Minutes
Cats Cuddling with Sloths? Is That Much Cuteness Legal?!?
This is so sweet that I think I just got five cavities.
Read Time : 0 Minutes
If Game Of Thrones Characters Were Cats
Have you ever wondered how Game of Thrones characters would look like if they were cats? No? Yeah, neither have I.
Read Time : 1 Minutes
Strangest cat meow EVER!
That’s right, the cat sounds like a goat when it meows.
Read Time : 1 Minutes
Mischievous Dog Knocks Cat Into Bathtub
This dog has just set himself up for a lifetime of getting all his toys peed on daily.
Read Time : 1 Minutes
Cat Meows Underwater
McLovin has become so sad about his fate that he can’t even seem to raise his head out of the water to voice his aggravation. Instead, he just sits there and meows under water.
Read Time : 1 Minutes
Russian Cat Freaks Out At Sound Of Super Mario Bros Jump Noise
Thank you Russia for always putting a smile on my face… and for vodka. Thank you for vodka.