Being Elmo” follows the touching journey of Kevin Clash, the puppeteer and creator of one of Elmo, one the most-beloved Sesame Street characters ever.
Sesame Workshop Releases Statement Address Petition To ‘Out’ Bert and Ernie As Being Gay
Bert and Ernie: Just friends, not gay, will not marry. End of story.
Sesame Street Parodies Spider-Man Musical With “Spider-Monster”
They say that they’ve made a lot of improvements to the Spider-Man musical, but I think I’d still rather watch this.
Sesame Street IRL: Bert Is The Creepy People In Your Neighborhood
If this is how the characters in Sesame Street looked when I was a kid, I would never have been able to sleep with the lights off!
Things That Are “Bigger On The Inside” Through History
If you think that the Tardis is the only thing out there that’s bigger on the inside, you’ve got a lot to learn!
The Joker + Elmo Impersonate… Smeagol
Wow, what exactly do you say to a video like this… a man dressed like The Joker, holding an Elmo puppet, using it to do impersonations of Elmo, Homer Simpson and Smeagol from the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Ordering Food Through A Drive-Thru As Elmo From Sesame Street
YouTuber janmann33 thought it’d be hilarious to order food at a Taco Bell drive-thru pretending to be Elmo from Sesame Street. And indeed it was. Indeed it was.
PSA: Cookie Monster Wants To Be On SNL And Need Your Help!
Sesame Street’s soon-to-be diabetic Cookie Monster wants to host Saturday Night Live and needs your help!