NECA has officially announced their life-size Portal gun replica that was teased a few weeks back which is now up for pre-order. According to NECA, the replica is set for a MSRP of $208 and only 5000 replicas will be made.
Chell’s weapon of choice, accurately named Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device, should start to appear in your favorite toy stores around April. Here are the details:
Dimensions: 30″ in length
Support: the replica rests fine on flat surfaces and does not ship with a base or stand.
Features: both orange and blue LED lights and unique sounds that correspond to each color.
Sounds: The lovely “portal-creating” sound we’ve become used to
A 3 way switch allows you to select blue, orange or off and when you pull the trigger you activate the ”firing” and sound. It requires 3 “C” batteries, not included.