No matter how different kids around the world might be, one thing that unites us all is playing with toys. Sure, in some places that might be action figures and others it could be cars, but regardless of what we play with, we all use our imagination. A couple of years ago, Gabriele Galimberti traveled around the world to over fifty countries where she photographed kids with their toys to see how we are all different and all the same.

“I recorded the spontaneous and natural joy that unites kids despite their diverse backgrounds. Whether the child owns a veritable fleet of miniature cars or a single stuffed monkey, the pride that they have is moving, funny, and thought-provoking.”

The results of her efforts were captured in the book, Toy Stories. Check out some of the photos from the book to see the differences in how kids play in different countries. As you go through them, ask yourself a question… how the hell did kids in Zanzibar get so many awesome 80’s toys?!?








Here’s a synopsis of the book:
For over a year, the photographer and journal­ist Gabriele Galimberti visited more than 50 countries and created colorful images of boys and girls in their homes and neighborhoods with their most prized possessions: their toys. From Texas to India, Malawi to China, Iceland, Morocco, and Fiji, Galimberti recorded the spontaneous and natural joy that unites kids despite their diverse backgrounds. Whether the child owns a veritable fleet of miniature cars or a single stuffed monkey, the pride that Galimberti captures is moving, funny, and thought-provoking.

You can grab a copy of the book, HERE.

Source: Colossal