Rodriguez has scripted “Predators,” a film that will bring back the dreadlock-sporting alien hunter who originated in the 1987 Arnold Schwarzenegger hit “Predator.”
The Truth About The Wolverine Work Print
After the movie was leaked, Fox went to great lengths to make sure that people knew that footage from the theatrical release was missing from the work print.
Sin City 2 Is Floating In Between Studios
…there’s also the long standing rumor that after the craptacular job he did on The Spirit, no one wants to trust Frank Miller with a single dollar of production money.
Arnold Schwarzenegger Admits To Role in Terminator Salvation
Well, he did say he’d be back, right?
Twilight Franchise Chooses David Slade for Eclipse
Fan’s concerned with how Slade will handle the The sharp toothed saga need not worry. He was the man behind the camera on 2007’s “30 Days of Night.”
Cowabunga! The Ninja Turtles Are On their Way Back To The Big Screen
The Mirage Group, which owns the property, is moving forward with a live-action film focusing on the origins of the iconic crime fighters.
Angelina Jolie Signs Deal To Play With Dead People
The opera-loving coroner Scarpetta will be the lead in a suspense thriller in the vein of “The Silence of the Lambs” and “Seven.”
Hugh Jackman Gives Wildlife Lessons To Uninformed Reporter
Do you know the difference between a wolf and a wolverine? This reporter does not.