What other wonders could be hidden in Studio Ghibli’s movie posters?
Read Time : 1 Minutes
Fisherman Delivers 98 Shark Pups Via Emergency C-Section
Great video inside, but it might be a little too graphic for some. If you don’t want to see a shark C-Section, this might not be for you.
Read Time : 3 Minutes
Legal Battle Could Kill Hopes For ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ Sequel
Fans have been clamoring for a sequel to Mad Max: Fury Road since it hit theaters in May of 2015, but the possibility of getting one is even bleaker than the future represented in the film.
Read Time : 1 Minutes
‘Hotel Artemis’ Trailer Is Star-Studded Sc Fi Madness
Set in riot-torn, near-future Los Angeles, HOTEL ARTEMIS is an original, high-octane action-thriller starring Jodie Foster as The Nurse, who runs a secret, members-only hospital for criminals.