We haven’t featured a lot of the set leaks from Deadpool 3 for a very good reason. We’d kind of like to not know every minute of the film before we see it. We get it. People want to know stuff. They want the spoilers, regardless of whether that robs them of the joy of being legitimately surprised.

But, given the fact that these spoiler images are being released with zero context, we can’t help but wonder if the internet is focusing so heavy on the film that they are going to ruin it for themselves. What if the narrative you decide on from what you’ve interpreted in the pics isn’t what’s in the film?

Well, it turns out that Ryan Reynolds is thinking the same way that we are. Today, he’s put out a statement on the spoiler images coming from the set as well as a series of his own “Official” set photos that he hopes will satisfy fans. Honestly, they are some of the best shots to come off the set to date!

From Reynolds:

“Surprises are part of the magic of theatrical movies. It’s important for us to shoot the new DEADPOOL film in real, natural environments, using practical effects as opposed to making the movie indoors and digitally. Telephoto lenses continue to spoil surprises and create a difficult situation for everyone.”

“Here’s hoping some of the websites and social channels hold back showing images before they’re ready. The film is built for audience joy — and our highest hope is to preserve as much of that magic as possible for the finished film and the big screen. Part of the reason people post spoilers is because they’re excited. I realize these aren’t real world issues and it’s firmly in the ‘good problems’ bucket.”