If you’ve been anxiously waiting for a “Captain America: The First Avenger” trailer don’t expect to see one any time soon. CBM is reporting that a trailer for “Captain America: The First Avenger” has been delayed due to the footage being not amazing. This is certainly not something fans would want to hear about one of Marvel’s tentpole films of 2011.

The bad news comes to us directly from branding consultant Greg Littley, who had this to say:

“Not good news.. I’m hearing that the “Captain America: The First Avenger” trailer is being delayed. Footage isn’t amazing.”

For those who are seriously concerned about the quality of “Captain American,” I’d say it’s not worth your worry. I’m sure there’s something Marvel wants to convey that they haven’t been able to do yet with the existing footage. Nobody wants to open with a dud, and this is just Marvel’s way of protecting itself from nay sayers and critics who may want to bash the film before even seeing it. I know this is true because I’m completely guilty of being a Cap basher having only seen very little footage and a fully suited up Cap.

Really, it doesn’t mean “Captain America” won’t be anything short of amazing and befitting of a summer blockbuster.

Source: CBM