The final season Jodie Whittaker’s Doctor Who run is taking almost as long as the final season of The Walking Dead. Both series have split their runs up into small chunks to get the most out of them over the course of a year and we just got new on the next story set for release from the BBC. All of this will culminate in the fall with the return of  Russell T Davies as showrunner. For our part, we like Wittaker as an actor. Any fingers that need pointing for the quality of her run on the series should be aimed squarely at the showrunner, Chris Chinbal.

Check out the synopsis:

In a swashbuckling special adventure, the Doctor (Jodie Whittaker), Yaz (Mandip Gill) and Dan (John Bishop) come face to fin with one of the Doctor’s oldest adversaries: the Sea Devils. Why has legendary pirate queen Madam Ching come searching for a lost treasure? What terrifying forces lurk beneath the oceans of the nineteenth century? And did Yaz really have to dress Dan up as a pirate?