Well, We knew it wouldn’t be R, but at least they didn’t totally Puss out and make a PG movie.

The MPAA has announced today that the new Superman film, Man Of Steel, directed by Zack Snyder is going to be PG-13 rating. Some people were hoping that its darker tone would earn it an R rating. Those people are idiots. There’s no way in hell that the boy in blue would ever be more than PG 13.

What launched the movie from PG to PG 13? According to sources, it was for “intense sequences of sci-fi violence, action and destruction, and for some language.”

Man Of Steel stars Henry Cavill, Michael Shannon, Amy Adams, Kevin Costner, Diane Lane, Russell Crowe, Laurence Fishbourne, Christopher Meloni, and Richard Schiff.

It is set to open on June 13th.