Gourmia GTF7460 17-in-1 Multi-function, Digital, French Door, 6-Slice Air Fryer Oven
$89 • Gourmia • Get Yours Now
In just a few years, Air Fryers have become a ubiquitous part of the kitchen. These little convection ovens have not just revolutionized the tater tot, and the buffalo wing, but they’ve made cooking so much easier. If you’re looking for what we think is probably the best entry-level air fryer oven out there, you can’t go wrong with Gourmia’s DTF7460. It has a footprint just around the size of a toaster oven, but it’s a beast when you give it the chance to do its thing. What we loved most about this air fryer was that it knows what to do. It has 17 different one-function buttons that take care of almost every need you have from air frying and dehydrating to toasting and baking. It’s big enough to fit a 12″ pizza, or more pizza rolls than any human should be able to consume in one sitting. For us, one of the best tests of a new appliance is whether we can take it out of the box, set it up, and use it without having to read a manual. This air fryer is so intuitive that it was no problem. We love everything about this Gourmia from the ability to have multiple racks of food going at once, to the french doors, and more functionality than we know we’ll ever need, but we’ll have fun finding excuses to try. A little pro tip though… when you are dealing with fried foods, the snack button is going to take care of around 90% of your needs.

myhotmat Connect – 2-Dish Foldable Silicone Warming Tray
$79.99 • Homeart • Get Yours Now
This is one of those gifts that works equally well as a regular present or as a host gift. During the holidays, if there’s one thing that is in short supply at the serving table, it’s warming trays. And while there are plenty of warming trays on the market, we love Myhotmat for a few big reasons. First, it folds up. That means it isn’t going to be a pain in the butt to store after you use it. While that would have been enough for us to recommend it, the fact that it’s modular really takes it over the top. One Myhotmat can warm 1-2 dishes, depending on their size, but because it is modular, you can link up to five units together creating enough warming area for pretty much a whole buffet station. Whether you get someone one unit or 5, this is the kind of gift that will probably come right out of the box and get put to use immediately so that everyone can enjoy a hot meal during the holidays.

Waffle Wow! Mini Poop Emoji Waffle Maker
$24.99 • Cucina Pro • Get Yours Now
Anyone can make a waffle that has Mickey Mouse on it, but how many people do you know that can make one that looks like a poop emoji. This is the perfect gift that will guarantee people can’t stop laughing when they’re having breakfast. There’s a lot to love here. First of all… Poop emoji, and not just a plain one, a smiling one! Is there a better way to start the day than with a smiling and delicious pile of poop on your plate? Aside from the fun factor, it’s really just a good waffle iron for mini waffles. It only takes a couple of minutes to pop one out and they were deliciously crispy on the outside and soft and chewy on the inside. If you really want to step things up an extra notch, use a chocolate waffle batter when you make breakfast. Or, if it’s around Halloween, throw in some candy corn just to make things a little more realistic!

Bamboo Cutlery
$10.99 • Inspire Ecoware • Get Yours Now
Each day, 40 Billion plastic forks, spoons, and knives are used and dumped into landfills across the country. To make matters worse, half a million plastic straws are also carelessly thrown away to add to the pollution. If you are looking for a good Earth-friendly alternative to plastic silverware, Inspire Ecoware has the perfect solution. Made from high-quality bamboo, this cutlery set comes complete with a knife, fork, spoon, and straw. To make life a little easier, it also includes a reusable bag with a drawstring, so you can carry it around with you for those times when plastic just won’t do. The set also includes a cleaning brush to make it a breeze to keep your straw particle free.

Prepd 10” skillet
$89 • Prepd • Get Yours Now
The 10″ Prepd Skillet is an all-in-one pan that will be the star of your kitchen. Combining the superior heat retention of cast-iron with the convenience of a non-stick surface, this skillet is the ultimate pan. A seasoned cast-iron skillet is a must in any kitchen, as it is known for its even cooking, but can cause a bit of sticking due to its rough surface. Prepd eliminated this problem, polishing the cast iron and adding multiple coats of grapeseed oil treated with extensive heat; transforming the pan into a perfectly smooth, naturally non-stick, well seasoned, cast iron dream. Prepd allows you to create the perfect sear, the juiciest roasts, and beautiful golden bakes all with the most versatile pan you will find.

Prepd Cheat Sheets
$29.99 • Prepd • Get Yours Now
This may be the most effective cheat sheet ever, and a must-have for any kitchen. Prepd Cheat Sheets are oven-safe non-stick premium food-grade silicone dividers that will cut down on your cooking and prep time. Each set includes 6 small dividers, 3 large dividers, and a non-stick carbon steel sheet pan. Divide ingredients into separate sections, place them on the sheet pan, pop them in the oven, and remove each ingredient as they reach their perfect cooking temperature, permanently eliminating the fear of overcooking. These naturally non-stick silicone dividers will help you save on foil and paper while making clean-up a breeze. The best part, simply pop them in the dishwasher and they will be spotless and ready for your next culinary masterpiece.

WaffleWow! Building Brick Waffle Maker
$59.99 • WaffleWow! • Get Yours Now
You’re never too old to play with your food. Waffles are one of the best ways to start your day, but a plain old stack of waffles can get a little boring. That’s what we loved about the building brick waffle maker. It’s like making edible LEGOS for breakfast. You can eat them like waffle sticks, or you can build a log cabin with them and give it a bacon shingle roof and a couple of happy sausages living inside… before you devour them like a hungry kaiju! Wafflewow makes excellent Waffle Makers, and we can’t think of many more fun ways to eat breakfast than to turn it into something that resembles one of your favorite building toys.

WaffleWow! Dungeon Heroes Waffle Maker
$39.99 • WaffleWow! • Get Yours Now
If you have a D&D player on your gift list or anyone who loves RPGs and fantasy, we’ve got something for you that is going to make their breakfasts a little more magical. The Dungeon Heroes Waffle Maker from WaffleWow! Gives you the great waffles that you’ve come to expect from the company, but in really fun fantasy shapes that include a 3D fighter, rogue, cleric, ranger, and wizard. Forget about breakfast being the most important meal of the day, when you’re deciding whether to bite the head off of your rogue or drown your ranger in syrup, your breakfast has become a full-blown campaign!

Dungeons & Dragons Role Play Game Custom Ceramic Sculpted Cookie Jar
$49.95 • Bioworld • Get Yours Now
Are you looking for the perfect cookie jar to keep treats for game night or when your friends come over for your weekly D&D session? Then we suggest Bioworld’s ceramic Dungeons and Dragons tower cookie jar. It holds plenty of cookies to keep your group charged up for the night and if your DM has a good imagination, you can even incorporate the tower into the quest. What better treasure at the end of a quest than actual real-life cookies?

Heatsbox Pro
$64.95 • Inspire Ecoware • Get Yours Now
If you have someone in your life who packs their lunch to work every day or who travels a lot. We think that the Heatsbox Pro could be a real lifesaver. This is more than just a lunchbox that keeps your food warm. This thing can actually cook. Like, we actually cooked rice and chicken in it. From scratch. If you are stuck in the office all day and want something heartier than a PB and J sandwich, but don’t want to blow a ton of money on takeout, you can have a literally homecooked meal at your desk. Even if you are having leftovers, you don’t have to take them to the office microwave. The Heatsbox pro warms them up in just minutes. It’s light, it’s easy to clean, and it is super easy to control. All you have to do is connect it to its app and you can control the temperature or even set a timer so that your lunch is hot and ready for you when it’s time for you to take a break. We think the Heatsbox pro is going to revolutionize taking your lunch to work, but it’s also a great companion for people who have to spend a lot of time in hotels for travel but don’t always feel like eating out or getting room service. It’s small enough that you can pack it in a suitcase or carry on, and you essentially have a combination stove/oven with you whenever you go. We loved testing out the Heatsbox and we even had a few different people take it to work with them and cook up a meal for themselves. Everyone loved it and we think it makes an excellent gift!

Bear Electric Hand Mixer
$27.99 • Bar • Get Yours Now
A hand mixer is one of the most vital, yet underappreciated kitchen tools you can have. It’s small, it saves you time, and it’s a must for anything from whipped cream, to cookies, to fillings. We love the Bear Electric Hand Mixer because it’s not just a one-trick pony. This mixer does the mixing and the beating that you’d expect, but it even has a dough hook. That means you can use it to whip up pizza dough without pulling out a big stand mixer or kneading for longer than you really have time for. It’s got five speeds. It’s comfortable in the hand and compact enough that it stores without a problem under the counter. With that said, it’s fire engine red, so it looks pretty great on the counter as well. Best of all, The Bear is fast. We can’t remember the last time we whipped up an egg white in 30 seconds, but that’s exactly what we did with this little guy… Just think of the meringue possibilities!

Fireboard Spark Cloud-Connected Smart Thermometer
$149 • Bar • Get Yours Now
Having a good thermometer is vital for cooking. Just a couple of degrees could mean the difference between juicy, perfect meat and sawdust, or the difference between a golden brown caramel and a smell of burnt sugar that won’t leave your kitchen for a week. For our money, the best new thermometer on the market is the Fireboard Spark. It’s not just a thermometer that you can use when it’s in your hand. It’s got wifi, Bluetooth, and the ability to connect to it through the cloud. The fact that this can be a hand-held thermometer, but it can also be a countertop unit that uses probes gives it a versatility that we just aren’t seeing anywhere else in the market when it comes to thermometers. It connects to both Google Home and Alexa so you can check it just by asking your home assistant, and it even lets you track your previous cooks, so you can recapture that perfect roast you made two weeks ago, or figure out why the chicken you grilled last Wednesday was drier than the desert sands. Between the hand-held options, the leave-in probes, the easy clean-up, the app, and the numerous ways you can check on your cook, this is the absolute best you can do when it comes to thermometers.

Fireboard Spark Cloud-Connected Smart Thermometer
$26.99 • Banana Loca • Get Yours Now
It feels like there could be some pretty easy jokes here when we talk about a device that straightens and stuffs your banana… but hear us out. The Banana Loca STRAIGHTENS AND STUFFS YOUR BANANA! Chocolate and banana, peanut butter and banana, Nutella and Banana, These are pretty much universal favorites, but have you ever tried to get the good stuff in the banana? No, because it’s crazy hard. Well, it was crazy hard. Now it’s loca simple. Like, you literally don’t even have to take it out of the peel, so you don’t have to mess with all those weird white stringy bits. We’re not sure how this device hasn’t existed for decades, but that’s one of the things that makes it so genius. The whole thing only takes a matter of seconds and then you’ve taken one of the world’s most utilitarian fruits and skyrocketed it to the next level. You can even freeze the banana afterward and slice it for stuffed chocolate-covered banana slices. It makes for healthy snacking (depending on what you stuff it with) and, with a parent’s guidance, it’s easy enough that most kids can even get the hang of it. Now we just have one question… will it work with hot dogs?

2 in 1 Electric Smokeless Grill and Hot Pot
$139.99 • Food Party • Get Yours Now
Who doesn’t love Hot Pot or Korean BBQ? The problem is that it can be really expensive to head out to your local spot, plus there are still a lot of people who aren’t super comfortable going to crowded restaurants yet. Regardless of the reason you want to bring hot pot into your home, Food Party’s 2-in-1 Smokeless grill and hot pot is perfect for you. There’s so much to love about this appliance. It heats up quickly, it doesn’t get smokey. It even has a built-in surge protector so that you don’t blow a fuse. the main thing is that it works great, whether you are cooking up some Kalbi or making a hot pot on a cold night. We also love that it cleaned up remarkedly easily. The great thing is that hot pot isn’t even complicated anymore. When it comes to the meats, just head to your local Asian market. Almost all of them have every meat you need, already sliced paper-thin for you to throw on the grill or into the hot pot. There are also a ton of companies out there selling pre-made hot pot soup bases. Yeah, this makes a great gift, but just think how much fun you could have when you invite your S.O. or a few friends over for a movie or anime night, complete with all you can eat hot pot and Korean BBQ!

1.5 Quarts Electric Express Cooker
$26.99 • Food Party • Get Yours Now
When I was in college, or when I was a bachelor, or even now when I’m feeling like I want to make my dinner in one pot and eat right out of it, I would have killed for something like the 1.5 Quarts Electric Express Cooker. This little electric pan can do a lot. It can boil water for pasta, make rice, make pancakes… it can kill it on mac and cheese. It does all the things a pan should do, but it doesn’t need a stove to do it, just an outlet. That not only makes it perfect for dorms, but for tiny homes, hotel rooms, rv’s, and camping (if you have a generator). What really makes this pan special for us is that through all of the hot cooking it does. the outer bakelite shell is safe to the touch. That means you can make your dinner in the kitchen, carry it into the living room. bedroom, heck – even the bathtub as long as you’ve unplugged it, and you can chow down without having to dirty a second bowl. If you know someone who needs a little food love on a all too frequent “no bones” day, this might just be the mac and cheese hug they need.