Synopsis: Michael Sheen and Bill Nighy revisit their roles from UNDERWORLD in this prequel to the horror-action hybrid. Sheen (THE QUEEN) stars as Lucian, a werewolf who battles vampire Viktor (Nighy, the Pirates of the Caribbean films), despite his love for Viktor’s daughter Sonja. Kate Beckinsale might have departed the series, but fellow dark-haired beauty Rhona Mitra (DOOMSDAY) fills fans desires for a sexy heroine in her role as Sonja.
Starring: Rhona Mitra, Bill Nighy, Michael Sheen, Steven Mackintosh
Director: Patrick Tatopoulos
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He can't fully replace Stevenson, but let's hope he brings something great to the role.
Who's face is that?
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If you haven't seen Flow, what are you waiting for?
About In a galaxy far, far away…. over three thousand years before the classic films,…