What happens when you’re passionate about toy collecting and you run out of room? You get creative and open up a toy museum, at least, that’s what Loh Lean Cheng did. After becoming inspired with toy collecting after visiting the London Toy and Model Museum at 19, Loh has devoted much of his life to his hobby.

Beginning in 1973 with his first toy (Popeye), his collection has steadily grown. Today, the Penang Toy Museum located in Malaysia has the reputation as the largest of its kind, housing over 100,000 contemporary toys, dolls and other collectibles.

The toy museum is said to receive a healthy 1000 ~ 2000 visitors per day, and while not everyone is a toy collector, it is apparent that we can all appreciate toys as not only a part of contemporary culture but also as a part of our lives.

Located in Jalan Tanjung Bungah, the museum is divided into a few sections consisting of:

* Chamber of Horror
* Chamber of Monsters
* Chamber of Fantasy
* Chamber of Comic Book Heroes
* Cave of Dinosaurs
* Fields of Combat
* Hall of Virtual Reality
* Hall of Rock Legends
* Hall of Celebrities
* Halls of Cartoons
* Hall of Beauties.
* Star Wars Collections
* & More…

Below are some video tours, as well as a gallery captured by our friend, Stan, who tipped us and recently had the chance to visit the museum.

Source: penang-vacations.com