Gamer is a high-concept action thriller set in the near future, a time when mind-control technology has taken society by storm. Humans control other humans in a mass-scale, multiplayer online game. Reclusive billionaire Ken Castle, played by Michael C. Hall of Dexter, created the controversial form of entertainment, “Slayers,” a hugely popular game that allows millions to act out their innermost fantasies online in front of a global audience. At the center is Kable (Gerard Butler), the superstar and cult hero of the game. He’s controlled by Simon, a young gamer with a rock star status who continues to defy all odds by guiding Kable to victory each week. Taken from his family, imprisoned and forced to fight against his will, the modern day gladiator must survive long enough to escape the game to free his family, regain his identity, and to save mankind from Castle’s ruthless technology.
Skeleton Crew Never Say Die!
Now give us a good Golobulus!
45 days to get 12,000 supporters. 14 days if you want Louis. Can Hasbro pull…
Set in the aftermath of a robot uprising in an alternate version of the ’90s,…