Action figure collectors have been bursting at the seams with joy at Todd McFarlane’s Spawn Remastered action figure Kickstarter. In just 14 days, the campaign has already raised more than $1.7 million, including some money from our own pockets. But, what if we told you that there was another Kickstarter out there for action figure fans that has flown under the radar, but it equally deserving of your attention. We’re talking about Amazotoys’ United States Space Force Action Figures Kickstarter campaign.
This campaign is fully funded at just $56,000 and there are just a few hours left before it ends. Why should you support it? Well, mainly because it is awesome. However, it’s more than that. It’s clever. The figures show an amazing amount of skill, and with all of the extra heads offered with each figure, there are very few figures out there with this kind of bang for the bug. Besides, who wouldn’t want articulated 4″ action figures of Trump, Obama, and Putin as astronaut warriors? It really doesn’t matter if you love, hate, or love to hate any of these guys, they make for a damn good toy.