Here it is folks, Star Wars: Uncut, an epic remake of Episode IV that strings together random fan footage with clips from A New Hope.
Luke Skywalker Awarded No. 1 “White Trash Hero” By Spike TV
According to Spike TV, Luke Skywalker is the classic definition of white trash and the prototypical redneck.
The Deathstar – Never Forget!
For millions of white helmeted clones, there is a one day that will live in infamy. We’re talking about the day that Luke Skywalker fired that fateful shot that destroyed the Deathstar.
Make-A-Wish Foundation: The Empire Muggs Back Custom Might Muggs Auction
Check out the amazing gallery of custom Star Wars Mighty Muggs being auctioned off for charity.
Darth Vader Lightsaber Flashlight
It’s like childhood all over again, but cooler because when you use to swing around a flashlight pretending it was a lightsaber, you can now swing around a flashlight made to actually look like one.
Chop Sabers – Eating “Dangerously” With Lightsabers
Lightsabers merge with Japanese culture and “Chop Sabers” emerge! Suitable for eating sushi or defending the galaxy.
Symbiote Studios: Star Wars Darth Vader Bookends Preview!
The concept is loosely based on the scene in The Phantom Menace when Qui-Gon melts through the doors on a ship.
Hello Kitty + Star Wars = Hello Wars
So what happens when you blend Star Wars, Hello Kitty, and stickers? You get this cute abomination known as Hello Wars.