Ballistic City tells the story of a former cop thrust into the criminal underworld of a city housed in a generational spaceship destined for an unknown world.
AMC Announces New Showrunner And Season 4 Production Start Date
Gimple started on the writing staff in season 2 and is responsible for some of the biggest episodes of the show including episode 306 (“Hounded”) and last season’s episode 207 (“Pretty Much Dead Already”), which revealed Sophia in the barn.
New Trailer Released For Second Half of AMC’s THE WALKING DEAD Season 3
The Walking Dead comes back to AMC next month after leaving us to wonder what happens when Merle and Daryl came face to face at the end of the last episode.
THE WALKING DEAD Renewed for Season 4 – Showrunner Glen Mazzara Exits Series
I was angry when Darabont got the boot and Mazzara took over, but he’s done a great job and I’m really sad to see him go.
THe Walking Dead X-Mas Special
Just because we won’t be seeing Carl, Rick and the rest of the gang until the middle of February doesn’t mean that they aren’t busy preparing for their own post apocalyptic Christmas.
The Walking Dead Wraps Mid-Season 3, Announces Episode Schedule
Along with the announcement of the show’s progress, he also said that we are in for a 16 episode season this year with 8 episodes airing this fall and the other 8 airing in 2013.
Watch Bryan Cranston Turn Into Breaking Bad’s Walter White On Stage In 90 Seconds!
Before Breaking Bad comes back to AMC this Sunday night, watch Bryan Cranston shave his head and become Walter White on stage in front of an audience.
New Promo Poster Released For The Walking Dead
Check out the great promo poster that AMC just released for the Comic Con Appearance of The Walking Dead