True story. Parry Gripp’s Space Unicorn song is on repeat all morning because it’s amazing and by far the best (if not only) Space Unicorn song of all time.
One Man, One Cookie, $10 At Stake: Challenge Accepted
For $10, Rob must get the Oreo cookie from forehead to his mouth using only his face… hilarity naturally ensures.
Internet Justice: Ex-Girlfriend Spams Boyfriend In Google Image Search
Hell hath no fury like an Internet-savvy woman scorned especially in the digital age where Google is technically a virtual God.
Firefox Has Encountered An Unexpected Problem With Windows: The Video
A video I’ve been searching for all my life. By all my life I mean the past two years. And by searching I mean casually looking when I get the chance.
10 Things That Happen Only In Movies But Not Real Life
Movies may imitate life, but ever notice how life never resembles the movies? Well don’t strain your brain thinking about it too hard, it’s expected…
Must Watch: PGA Star Ben Crane On Working Out
Want to look as good as PGA star Ben Crane? Ben Crane will show you in this very serious and hilarious informative working out video.
New Approach To Facebook Privacy: Spam More
“Forget the privacy settings! The more you post, the safer you are!” An ingenious new approach to Facebook privacy.
Three Ways Of Using Public Toilets
Not that any of you care how I do my business in public, but I do it the mummy way. What about you?