Kanye West is more than just America’s Favorite Gay Fish. He’s also a talented performer and interrupter of things. Whatever he is, he does at least manage to put out some pretty interesting music videos from time to time. His newest ode to himself is a little ditty called “Power”. It’s pretty short, very artsy and has an interesting tribal tone to it… but who cares, that’s not what we are here for.

Enter two of Youtube’s brightest stars… Destrong and Freddie Wong. Destrong is the guy who sings just about any cartoon theme song… or anything else you challenge him to sing and Freddie is the master of special effect who can turn bullets into flowers and can turn games like Time crisis into live action awesomeness. Put them together, add a little bit of alcohol, and you’ve got this little masterpiece right here… “Power Hour”

Just to see how Kanye’s version hold’s up, here’s the original.