The Healthy Penis… words that I never thought I’d ever utter in my life time, but it’s true. The Healthy Penis mascot and friends from The Healthy Penis campaign has returned to the San Francisco Bay Area in order to once again raise awareness and educate people about the dangers of syphilis.

The Healthy Penis mascot which is a giant eight foot tall smiling penis, originally began in 2002 after the San Francisco Department of Health held several focus groups trying to figure out how to raise (no pun intended) awareness about syphilis and to persuade gay men to get tested.

The Healthy Penis campaign was declared a success as reports indicated that syphilis cases significant decrease. As a result, Clark, the Penis and his friends were introduced to other cities although greeted with less enthusiasm.

The campaign has since grown and will now include an African-American penis named Byron and a Hispanic penis named Pedro. But don’t worry, Clark is still around and promoting the cause with great enthusiasm and vigor!

For more information on the Healthy Penis campaign, check out the official Healthy Penis page here. If you have Facebook, you can even save them as a friend!