Ever want to sit on Comedy Central’s Stephen Colbert’s face? Well here’s a couch for those who either hate Stephen Colbert or really really really like him. For just $5000, mattcharlan can give you the couch of your Colbert loving/hating dreams.
From mattcharlan’s Esty site:
The couch creates a forced perspective, with the appropriate subject matter of Stephen Colbert… I must say, look at all the pictures, the face changes as you move about the room.
People will gravitate to the precise place in the room looking for where the face is most accurate. While you round them up make sure your finger is ready on the dead switch to the trap door to you basement where you keep all Colbert Couch huff puff nay sayers.
I think I may pass on the Colbert couch, but if it comes with the model color me tempted.
He can't fully replace Stevenson, but let's hope he brings something great to the role.
Who's face is that?
Pre-Orders open on January 9th.
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