While totally awesome, this acceptance speech is NSFW for language purposes.
The At-At Boom Box. Its Like Someone Looked Inside My Dreams!
The Coolest At-At you will see today, tomorrow, and at least for the next month!
Pirates Director Gets A “Clue”
The imagination train wreck has pulled into a new station. Not only are they planning to do yet another movie based off a board game, but they are remaking Clue! One of the best board game movies of all time!
Lance Henriksen Lends Voice To GodKiller
“The adaptation is described as an “illustrated film” mixing elements of anime, radio drama, video games and comics.”
The Wizard of Woz Rocks The Pink On The Dance Floor
Wookies unite behind Woz as he conquers Dancing With The Stars.
81st Annual Oscar Awards… And The Award Goes To:
If you don’t know the winners already, check out the list and avoid sounding like an idiot when you talk about how Slumdog was robbed.
2009 Razzies Awards Winners List!
Every year as the Hollywood big wigs gather to pat each other on the back and hand out little gold men, there’s another organization that takes great joy in poking them in the eye by playfully pointing out the worst of the worst.
Mel Gibson Is Finger Lickin Funny!!!
From the team who brought you Braveheart…. and Step Up 2!