“Long-awaited fourth installment of this groundbreaking film franchise from Universal Pictures and Amblin Entertainment to be shot in 3D”
Spider-Man’s ‘Amazing’ Tae Kwon Do demo Tape
He’s amazing, he’s spectacular, he’s your friendly neighbor hood Taw Kwon Do Spider-Man… doing whatever a spider can and all that jazz.
Dad hacks Donkey Kong for daughter so she can play as a girl
For over three decades, Mario has been the hero of the iconic Nintendo video game Donkey Kong. But the tables have now turned.
New ‘Star Trek Into Darkness’ Trailer Sneaks Online
The second trailer for Paramount’s “Star Trek Into Darkness” sneaked its way online today and like the first, it’ll blow you away.
Barbie Man Spends 16-Years Amassing A Massive Barbie Collection
41-year-old Stanley Colorite, AKA Barbie Man, has spent over 16-years collecting Barbies and Ken dolls.
Tony Swatton Shows You How To Make Raphael’s Sais from TMNT
Tony Swatton of Man-At-Arms shows you how to make some deadly ninja sais that’ll even make Raphael swoon with envy.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Co-Creator Doesn’t think Megan Fox Should play April O’Neil
“t may not be fair to judge her range of acting skills just from those three movies, but I think it is safe to say that there are probably hundreds of better choices for the role of April O’Neil.”
International ‘Iron Man 3’ Trailer With New Footage
A new international trailer from Iron Man 3 has also found its way online. It’s virtually the same as the US trailer, but it does feature new footage of Chinese actor Wang Xueqi and Fan Bingbing.