Over in Japan they have a slightly different view of what is cool when it comes to vampires.
IT’s Back… Again
There’s hardly a TV watcher from the 90’s who doesn’t shudder a little bit at the words “we all float down here.” Heck, I wouldn’t eat fortune cookies for a month after seeing that mini series.
Yet Another Reason For Why You Should Hate Fox
As if canceling Firefly wasn’t enough to piss off the geeks…
Spider-Man 4 Swings into Theaters 2010
I guess it was only a matter of time. Spider-Man 4 will be directed by Sam Raimi and see the return of Toby Maguire.
New Release Dates for Thor, Cap & Avengers
Marvel Studios has also been shifting the release dates of their three biggest properties. Here’s a look at how Marvel Studio’s upcoming movie lineup is getting shaken up
Has Twilight Found A Director For Eclipse?
Despite all the brouhaha about having a female take control of the franchise again after the second movie was given to a man.
Thor Casting Rumors: Loki
“Word is he’s really interested because he has never played a villain before and after Heath Ledger’s Oscar win for the latest comic book villain, he’s is intrigued by the character.”
Will Arnold Be in Terminator Salvation?
“I am very happy with where I am with my profession as the governor and they should try to find a way of doing a story that does not include me at all, not even one single shot in it.”