For those of you who don’t know, The BAFTA Awards are the British equivalent to our Oscars. They were held last night and interestingly enough, most of the winners were American Films… How do you like them apples?
Protest Over M. Night’s Avatar: The Last AirBender
Hollywood has a long history of marginalizing minority actors and whitewashing properties like Avatar…
Sex And The City 2, Sure Why Not
I mean, the first movie only grossed $415 million, so why not a sequel?
Two New Astro Boy Images Surface Online
Does this mean Imagi Entertainment’s Astro Boy is now back on track?
Why Would anyone Want to Make A Candyland Movie? Ask Universal
Not content to rape our memories of old movies and TV shows, Universal is now looking at Board Games for inspiration on their next set of film choices.
Smurfs Lose Director To Oz Creator’s Santa Flick
Well now there’s a new movie about an Epic Santa on the horizon and its going to be directed by Colin Brady. It is set to be a very expansive trilogy that makes LOTR seem like an episode of the wiggles.
WB Wants 7 Batman Sequels
So here’s the question. Does the Franchise have that much blood left in it, or will it wither into some Jim Carey Co Starring tragedy.
Depp and Penn Make My Three Stooges Fears A Reality
Three Stooges as made by the Farrelly brothers would be the cinematic equivalent of Soylent green. It’s just dried up, processed people, stuffed in a box for you to consume. Now with more Johnny Depp!