While the game is still in early development, we have some new information with these awesome behind the scene videos.
First Trailer For SEGA’s ‘Captain America: Super Soldier’ Released
On the heels of the announcement of “Captain America: Super Soldier”, you now get your first chance to see some in game action in the freshly released trailer.
First Look At SEGA’s New ‘Captain America: Super Soldier’ Video Game
SEGA just announced the development of “Captain America: Super Soldier,” a new video game that will let players assume the role of Marvel’s first Avenger!
Comic Book Legend Stan Lee Defends Video Gaming Rights And Right To Free Speech
“Why does this matter? Because if you restrict sales of video games, you’re chipping away at our First Amendment rights to free speech.” – Stan Lee
Christopher Nolan Interested In Creating An ‘Inception’ Video Game
Speaking recently to Variety, “Inception” branchild Christopher Nolan mentioned how he would like to see a video game based on his dream state world.
Studio Ghibli’s Debuts Incredibly Gorgeous ‘Ni No Kuni’ Videogame Trailer
Studio Ghibli has blurred the lines between CGI cutescenes and actual gameplay by creating a video game world that appears like one of their films.
Cool Halo Spatan In Jetpack Promoting New ‘Halo: Reach’ Game
To promote the release of Bungie’s final episode in the epic Halo series, a stuntman dressed as a “Spartan” character, wearing a jetpack was flown around Trafalgar Square.
Complete Cinematic Opening Sequence For Disney’s ‘Epic Mickey’ Video Game
Disney has released the full seven minute opening cinematic sequence for their upcoming Mickey Mouse video game and it looks awesome.